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Current JoyPoll results for 431 entries:

What was your word of the year?

Selfie, ... I'm glad I don't follow you. 11 2%
By my selfie, ... if only selfies would remain by-them-selfies. 7 1%
Winner!, ... that's great, and I'll try not to be a whiner. 28 6%
Loser, ... time to lose the selfie-pity! 15 3%
Humdrum, ... at least you're not living in that "interesting times" Chinese curse. 33 7%
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia, ... well, at least you're not afraid to vote for it! 205 47%
May I live in interesting results. 121 28%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and pictograph of the year.

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