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Current JoyPoll results for 405 entries:

How do you bug your personal NSA agent?

I spend hours online, surfing boring stuff, ... yeah, that's the only reason I do it too. 71 17%
I keep typing out asl?... asl? ... (age, sex, location) hoping they will answer back, ... I hate to break it to you, but I don't think Scully works at the NSA. 22 5%
I do Google searches for crazy stuff every now and then, ... good one, you can use this poll as part of your defense. 53 13%
I install privacy software like Tor, ... the NSA doesn't like onions? 26 6%
I share and RT comics like this, to stick it to them, ... hopefully it brings a litte Joy into their lives too. 123 30%
I bug them by just viewing the results in the JoyPoll! 105 25%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the Onion Knight.

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