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Current JoyPoll results for 813 entries:

Why do you think Mavericks is free?

Because Apple is doomed and this is the only way they can get people to upgrade, ... um, Mr. Ballmer, it's always nice to have you here, but I thought you were retiring! 57 7%
Because Apple is wonderful, ... that's what Eve thought before she bit in. 57 7%
Because they want to sell more hardware, ... wow, how quaint, a company that actually sells real items! 203 24%
Because of all the other free OS's, ... but most are just free as in frustrating. 28 3%
Ballmer parting gift, ... the chair repair industry is gonna miss him. 118 14%
Anyone who thinks it's truly free is kidding themselves, ... all those A7 and Haswell processors are going to chip in. 244 30%
I'm taking a free view of the results. 104 12%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and catching a wave.

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