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Current JoyPoll results for 230 entries:

Which candy do you find most appealing?

Facebook's Zucker-cream egg, ... don't worry, I'll keep that private. 8 3%
Apple iBunny, ... with Cupertino Cocoa! 42 18%
Apple Gold Cube, ... this time there's no mold lines. 63 27%
Google goodies, ... the Reader debacle is leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. 42 18%
Twitter Tweeps, ... can't resist that fluffer nuthin'! 6 2%
I might try a Blackberry jujube, ... do they come in maple flavour? 8 3%
I'm surfacing for a chocolate Surface!, ... the candy-coating is code-named Blue. 12 5%
No, I wasn't looking for Yahoo, i just wanted some sweet results. 45 19%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and eggheads.
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