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Current JoyPoll results for 698 entries:

Which resolution do you hope your pet keeps?

Bark less, ... the cat shouldn't have much trouble with that. If it does, get it on YouTube!8912%
Mooch less, ... maybe he's learned that from the "alpha dog".355%
Use the litter box, not the carpet, ... just use that clumping carpet!10815%
Smell better, ... and here I thought humans weren't so good at the smelling thing.7711%
Give me less attention, ... I thought that was their job!375%
Give me more attention, ... your pet's thinking, "sheesh, don't be so clingy!"517%
Currently petless, hope that changes!, ... how much is that doggie in the window? 14220%
My gerbil is perfect, thank you very much.21831%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and pets gone wild..
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