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Current JoyPoll results for 1482 entries:

How much did you miss Google Maps on iOS?

Not at all, I just used a web bookmark, ... wait a sec, wasn't your iPhone paralyzed and rendered near-useless by the lack of Google Maps?!!533%
Not one bit, I LOVED Apple Maps, ... I like a good comedy app too!986%
Not that much, for the most part, Apple Maps was fine, ... every cloudy map had a silver lining?42028%
I was lost without it!, ... no, you were just a little bit more human for a few months.1117%
Not at all, I use Android or some other OS anyway, ... I still prefer to follow my nose.27418%
As someone who likes to see Apple humbled, I actually enjoyed the whole experience very much!, ... you can sink your teeth into schadenfreude, but it sometimes comes back to bite!17812%
I'm still stuck in Murray-Sunset National Park.33622%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the journey is its own reward.
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