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Current JoyPoll results for 1087 entries:

Which do you wish was real?

An undo for real life mistakes, ... hopefully other people couldn't undo your undos!60555%
That I could sell ad space in dreams (I'm in marketing), ... I'd say don't be evil, but you'd just undo it.171%
That I could "close the window" on people and things that bugged me, ... you'd also need to quit their processes, just in case.948%
That time spent on the Internet would look good on a resume, ... it does, if you are applying for a position in the brain-dead department.948%
That I didn't relate so much to this comic!, ... I hear ya, (from the write-what-we-know department).11710%
The results are real enough for me.15013%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and Can't Undo.
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