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Current JoyPoll results for 2311 entries:

What's the bright side of the iOS 6 Maps fiasco?

There is no bright side, ... especially under all those Map clouds!26611%
It's provided a ton of laughs and endless entertainment, ... just don't laugh yourself off the road.35115%
It may mean less demand for iPhone 5, therefore I will get one sooner!, ... are you kidding? Everyone wants to laugh at Maps now!692%
It may humble Apple a little, and humility is a good thing, ... humiliation, not so much.47620%
Guaranteed employment for Apple Map makers until things get fixed, ... but after that, there may be a coder decimation.1948%
Google will feel a lot better this weekend, ... it's nice to know you're appreciated!47420%
I turn by turned my way to the results.48120%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and reality distorted fields and highways.
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