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Current JoyPoll results for 1043 entries:

Do you stand in the place that you work?

No, ... it helps if you pretend you're Worf.32030%
No, but I want to start, ... get off of your ass then!13613%
Yes, I stand for part of the time, ... are you half standing or half sitting?14413%
Yes, I stand for most of the time, ... that's quite a feet!827%
Yes, and it's killing me!!!, ... a case of the cure being as bad as the disease!353%
I'm so glad I can just flop on the couch!, ... I've invented the double-decker couch, so Nitrozac and I can both flop at the same time.14613%
I couldn't stand to vote, just viewing the results.18017%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and plantar fasciitis.
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