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Current JoyPoll results for 868 entries:

Is the ruling against Samsung copying Apple a threat or a boon to innovation?

Threat, ... Nay I say, think different!15317%
Boon, ... Boon or bust, or boom or bust? I like boon better, but maybe I just think different.16018%
It's both, but more a threat, ... the glass is half not-designed.9210%
It's both, but more a boon, ... the glass is half-designed, you just have to tweak the dressing.8910%
Pineapple! (I've voting for an innovative and different option), ... just wait, Blackberry will announce the Pineapple soon!23527%
My head goes boom over patent stuff.13916%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and rumors of my Like button addiction have been greatly shared.
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