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Current JoyPoll results for 775 entries:

What's your advice to someone just starting out?

Diversify your investments, ... or even better, diversify your employment! 156 20%
Invest in yourself 100%. The worst you can do is learn from the failure, ... or become a repo man, and make failure your business. 175 22%
Get a quiet, stable job somewhere and save your pennies, ... only not in Canada... pity. 193 24%
Stock market baby!, ... do you mean there's going to be a Facebook baby boom 9 months from now? 21 2%
I just want to say one word to you. Just one word. Pinterest, ... and by Pinterest, I mean a bubble being popped! 62 8%
I have no advice. 168 21%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and studies that indicate most JoyPoll users have a low opinion of the rounding's trustworthiness.
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