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Current JoyPoll results for 1273 entries:

Thoughts on Facebook buying Instagram?

I don't use either, so I don't really care, ... you will be glad you don't, during the Privacy Apocalypse. 358 28%
I use Instagram, I'm worried Facebook will wreck the app, ... is it wrecking the app when they add an organ-harvesting feature? 37 2%
I use Instagram, and I want nothing to do with Facebook and its privacy policies, ... Instagram's competition are partying almost as much as Instagram tonight. 66 5%
I use Facebook, and I'm worried Instagram will make Facebook too hipster cool, ... yeah, well, you see, I don't think that will happen soon. 51 4%
A billion dollars for a photo sharing app? WTF?, ... that's American billion right, so it's not so much of a big deal. 416 32%
I'm still in shock Kodak went bankrupt!, ... OMG, what about all that film in my fridge! 156 12%
I'm filtering out the results. 189 14%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and filters.
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