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Current JoyPoll results for 708 entries:

Which of the Twelve Shoppers of Christmas would you like to be your secret Santa?

The Donation-in-Your-Namer, ... OK, you are better than me. 38 5%
The Cash-ier, ... Happy X-Mas, here's 1,000,000 Zimbabwe dollars! 236 33%
The Drug Store Cowboy, ... hey I won't complain, they sell Toblerones at the drugstore. 9 1%
The Joke Shop-er, ... My pet rock rolled away. *sob* 12 1%
The Shopping Dead, ... you celebrate Sadist-Mas? 47 6%
The Only-Shop-Onliner, ... you must work in IT or shipping, and want to keep your job safe? 232 32%
I don't believe in Secret Santa. 134 18%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the JoyPoll... the gift that keeps on giving.
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