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Current JoyPoll results for 1133 entries:

Which book format do you prefer?

Real books, ... they hold up the side of your shelf better too! 439 38%
eBooks, ... digital books don't get as musty. 199 17%
I like to have both, especially an ebook version of a real book I'm reading, ... I'm calling it... you are a book geek. 168 14%
It makes no difference to me, ... books have obviously turned your brain to mush. 57 5%
It makes no difference to me because the only thing I read is the Internet, ... I bet the mush has spread to everywhere. 63 5%
I'm more of a pictures person, ... so I should tell you to get a LIFE? 62 5%
I'm more of a Princess Leia hologram person. 145 12%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and paper cuts.
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