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Current JoyPoll results for 1002 entries:

How disgusting and covered with bacterial contamination is your phone?

Most likely very bad, ... the first step is admitting you have a problem. The second step is washing your hands. 118 11%
It's probably pretty bad, but not disgusting, ... just think, if we found even one of those bacteria on Mars, it would be the greatest discovery ever! 154 15%
Not at all! It's clean as a whistle, ... whistling is germ spreading set to music. 80 7%
I've read that a certain amount of germs is good for your immune system, ... so you telling me to eat dirt and don't die? 365 36%
I keep mine dirty so no one else uses it, ... that kind of motto will not be good your sex life. 91 9%
That's why I bought a white phone, so I can see how dirty it is!, ... are you sure it's not just a big pustule? EWWWW! 48 4%
I'm disgusted and heading straight for the results. 146 14%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and some type of bacterial contamination.
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