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Current JoyPoll results for 896 entries:

Do you ever get stage fright?
Yes, so I avoid all public speaking, ... does that include posting on the Internet? 118 13%
Yes, but I have learned a few tricks to help me get over it, ... like remembering happy moments from your past, when you weren't public speaking. 160 17%
I'm getting nervous just thinking about getting stage fright, ... your anxiety is making me anxious! 57 6%
I don't, since I was born to be the center of attention, ... or are you just glossing over glossophobia? 103 11%
It's not the stage I'm afraid of, it's all the people pointing and laughing, ... that's a good thing if you are doing slapstick. 171 19%
I do, but I don't mind, as it gives me a great opportunity to imagine everyone naked, ... that's why I only speak in front of cheerleaders. 127 14%
I'm afraid I was too scared to vote. 160 17%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and butterflys in the script's tummy.
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