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Current JoyPoll results for 1296 entries:
What would you like to see in an iPhone Nano?
A phone that can make phone calls, ... don't blame the messenger, blame the messenger's carrier. |
104 |
8% |
A teeny, tiny version of the current iPhone, ... I hope it ships with magnifying goggles. |
51 |
3% |
A stripped down version of the iPhone, no camera, with a stripped down price, ... I'd strip for a stripped down cell phone bill. |
107 |
8% |
Something more radical and super tiny. I'm thinking more like the communicator badges from Star Trek, the Next Generation, that you wear, ... and that uses a subspace band rather than a cellular network! |
457 |
35% |
To heck with a smaller version, I want a bigger iPhone!, ... is that a drive-in movie screen in your pocket? |
131 |
10% |
If it ran Android, that would be cool, ... so long as it doesn't run behind Android, I'm happy. |
240 |
18% |
I hope it's so small I can't see it! |
206 |
15% |
May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and exactly 100%, give or take a billionth.
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