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Current JoyPoll results for 1002 entries:

What would you most miss if the Internet was turned off?
My e-business!, ... imagine that, you'd have to sell goods to real live people in person? WEIRD! 76 7%
Freedom of speech, ... OMG! u mite have 2 actually talk! 102 10%
Entertainment, ... you could always entertain yourself with a sneakernet. 100 9%
Facebook, ... you'd lose touch with old friends, just like your ancestors did! 34 3%
Gaming, ... just make a game out of trying to make it work again. 47 4%
News and blogs, ... it's sad when they can't blog about themselves being unable to blog. 192 19%
Ummm, adult entertainment stuff, ... so a turn off would be a turn off! 160 15%
I wouldn't miss my unfit body and that groggy feeling I get from surfing on the 'Net too much, ... you'd just have to move back to in front of your TV. 165 16%
My voting skills were turned off. 126 12%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the mummy not needing a brain in the afterlife.
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