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Current JoyPoll results for 1246 entries:

What Monty Python skit would you love to perform in a TSA lineup?
Spam, ... Hello sir, what kind of spam do you have in your bag today? 37 2%
Nudge Nudge, Wink Wink, ... after getting groped, you may wish you were a stay-at-homer rather than a goer. 77 6%
Killer Bunny, ... I hope it doesn't nibble on your bum. 59 4%
Ministry of Silly Walks, ... I wish I had a Mrs. Twolumps to bring me some coffee. 206 16%
The Black Knight!, ... I hope they leave you with just a flesh wound. 104 8%
The Bridge of Death, ... is your flight today African or European? 87 6%
I just wish a giant foot would come down and stomp on those new TSA rules, ... yes, now it is time for something completely different. 518 41%
I didn't vote, but I always look on the bright side of life. 158 12%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow.
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