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Current JoyPoll results for 2623 entries:

What's the moral of this comic?
It's harder to keep a secret in a digital world, ... especially if someone uploads the pictures. 304 11%
Even a Superman can mess up on the Internet, ... aw, it just makes him more human. 50 1%
Never teach your mom about social networking, ... how else will she embarrass you into middle age? 859 32%
If you are Lex Luthor, get on Facebook!, ... I thought he invented it. 116 4%
You have to be a superhero to figure out Facebook's privacy settings, ... no, just a super being to break free. 346 13%
Even on social networks, Batman beats Superman, ... but Robin wins on Twitter. 542 20%
Comics are immoral. That is all. 406 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and red kryptonite.
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