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Current JoyPoll results for 963 entries:

What's the worst thing about texting-zombies?
It can happen to anyone you know, ... I'm looking for some Luddites to befriend. 54 5%
They are a hazard to everyone and themselves, ... they can't even get out of the way of the texting drivers! 256 26%
They completely ignore me. They don't even want my brains, ... it's obvious they have no need for brains. 174 18%
I am one of them and I can't stop, ... please, do us all a favor and blow your own head off. 50 5%
They are making the telecom companies rich, ... they are the kind of monsters that suck your wallet dry. 204 21%
I WANT TO READ THEIR TEXTS!, ... you're already dead, but you don't know it yet. 97 10%
I SMS'd the results. 128 13%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and padded lampposts.
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