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Current JoyPoll results for 929 entries:

What would you like on your tombstone?
Nothing, and no stone please... tombstones are a waste, ... and you thought the Pet Rock was the only way to make money out of stone. 121 13%
Just the facts ma'am. Name and dates, ... can I at least have that in Stardates? 129 13%
Something funny, ... like 404, afterlife not found? 80 8%
My last tweet, ... and we all thought you'd croak! 25 2%
I'd rather have my cremated ashes turned into a vinyl record, ... they'll say you finally found your groove. 125 13%
I plan on uploading myself into the Cloud, ... watch out, the Cloud might have a spam filter. 346 37%
Here lies a poor geek, he never voted in the JoyPoll. 119 12%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and rounding in peace.
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