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Current JoyPoll results for 1429 entries:

Why do you think Apple calls the new iPhone's screen a Retina Display?
Because you need to have good retinas to see the difference, ... that's a little short-sighted of you to say. 172 12%
Because really, your eyes will pop out when you see how good it is, ... hopefully that's all that will pop out. 65 4%
Because Eye-Popping Display sounded too cheesy, ... sounds more like the antenna on my first cell phone. 57 3%
Because calling it the 326 PPI Display, wouldn't really roll off the tongue, ... OK, then how about the Tommy Tutone 867-5309 display? 346 24%
Because calling it the You can See the Fear in our Competitor's Eyes Display was just a little too smug, ... that's not fear, it's the oh damn, we've got to work extra hours again look. 246 17%
Because calling it a Rectum Display didn't go over too well with Steve, ... you just need a rear facing camera for that I guess. 350 24%
OMG, I thought it was Retin-A! 193 13%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and light-sensitive membranes.
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