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Current JoyPoll results for 1636 entries:

Have you ever emailed someone famous?
Never, why bother?, ... because one day, when you are famous and lonely, you'll wish you had someone who would send you email. 491 30%
Yes I have, and I never heard back, ... how rude! I hereby revoke their famous status. 138 8%
Yes I have, and I heard back!, ... hey cool, tell us about it in the Forums! 239 14%
I emailed that Nigerian widow who needed money wired to her in order to facilitate a larger transfer, ... what is your email address again? ;P 157 9%
No. (I'm practicing my terse replies), ... good. Life is precious. 294 17%
I've emailed Snaggy, but he's only famous in his own mind, that's OK, I'm pretty sure you are all just figments of my imagination anyway! 56 3%
Dude, email is so last decade! 261 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and terse rounding.
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