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Current JoyPoll results for 1213 entries:

What's your iPad-related Marine chant?
I'm sick of iPad gobbledygook, I'd rather have a sweet netbook, ... I'll leave you to moan and gripe, and buy an iPad based on hype. 161 13%
iPad is incredibly dumb, but it looks a lot of fun, ... stupid's never getting old, look how many iFarts sold. 90 7%
iPad I would love to get, too bad I am still in debt, ... pay down debt and sell your crap, surely there's an app for that. 222 18%
Proprietary's Apple's game, iPad is insanely lame, ... sometimes free is not so cool, when it comes to making drool. 214 17%
iPad's cool or so says Walt, sign me up I'm in the Cult!, ... Apple started in garage, now they have an entourage. 126 10%
iPad's just a big iPhone, but I can't wait to get my own!, ... who cares if you can't get a call, while shopping at the iBook mall. 205 16%
I'm not into JoyPoll Cults, I just want to View Results. 195 16%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and dishonorable discharge.
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