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Current JoyPoll results for 1263 entries:

How do you support your favorite websites?
I support them by visiting the site and viewing their ads, ... or in some cases, you visit the ads and view a bit of content. 204 16%
I support them by viewing ads, and donating when I can or subscribing to things that help them, ... did they ever tell you your their hero? 39 3%
I do just about everything, view ads, donate, and buy stuff, ... wow, you get a gold star for that. 27 2%
I block their ads, but occasionally do something else, like buy a real world product from them, ... a bird in the hand is worth two retweets 223 17%
I block their ads, and I don't support them in any way. If their business model isn't making them money, they deserve to fade away, ... so sayeth the leech as it feeds on the host? 142 11%
I think happy thoughts for them, ... well, it's the thought that counts I suppose. 448 35%
I block ads, text, and images. 180 14%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the rounding running out of funding.
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Please support our continued work on the comics by tossing us a tip,
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HomeGeek Culture... Geek Love, Geek Files, Mind Numbing Magazine, all kinds of geeky stuff!The Webstore! Get some cool stuff, and support your fave comic creators!e-Cards!The ForumsThe Joy of Tech! ...your quick fix of comic fun!After Y2K!webcam!

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