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Current JoyPoll results for 805 entries:
Which comic panel most accurately depicts your current state of existence?
Panel 1, surfing the web, ... there's still a chance for you to head back to the beach. |
166 |
20% |
Panel 3, surfing too long and really should stop, ... or do you think you can handle just one more link? |
134 |
16% |
Panel 4, seriously been on the computer too long, ... even your hard drive sleeps occasionally! |
68 |
8% |
Panel 5, permanently damaged by my computer lifestyle, ... it's only permanent if you keep on geek'n too much. |
116 |
14% |
Panel 6, Chatroulette window. It's all over for me, ... it's not over 'till the fat man powers down. |
33 |
4% |
I'm just getting started!, ... Internet is wasted on the young. |
138 |
17% |
Is there a level beyond Panel 6? |
150 |
18% |
May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and rounding roulette.
Please support our continued work on the comics by tossing us a tip,
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