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Current JoyPoll results for 840 entries:

Best way to monetize a blog?
Pretend your son went up in a balloon, ... even better, sell balloon kits! 107 12%
Get a real job, ... blogging is a real job, at least for all the hosting companies and Wordpress people. 138 16%
Make your fortune by become a propeller beanie sales affiliate, ... perhaps you could pretend your son went up wearing one? 46 5%
The hard way... publish, publish, publish, ... page view, page view, page view. 53 6%
Lower your income expectations, ... money is evil anyway, right? 131 15%
Blog about cats, stocks, or naked girls, ... I can haz techprOn? 275 32%
When is someone going to pay me to read blogs? 90 10%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a booth at the rounding convention.
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