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Current JoyPoll results for 844 entries:

What would scare your computer straight?
Threaten it with un-authorized service, ... authorized service is scary enough sometimes! 25 2%
Remove the surge protector, ... if you do that, you shouldn't be allowed to own a computer! 24 2%
Tell it you're going to install Windows, ... let's face it, that would only be hurting the both of you. 240 28%
Tell it it's going to be replaced by a Mac, ... if your computer cares about you, it would probably be happy for you. 54 6%
I'd prefer to scare the crap out of those people responsible for shipping all this buggy software, ... you really think it's people shipping that stuff? 159 18%
Nothing! My computer is gay and I like it that way, ... my computer's bi, it will network with anyone. 75 8%
I was scared curved. 90 10%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and straightening.
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