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Current JoyPoll results for 983 entries:

What's your productivity secret?
Coffee, ... never have so many, owed so much, to some beans. 40 4%
A good night's sleep, ... before or after the production? 139 14%
Turn off the distractions like TV and Twitter and cell phone and Internet, ... ha ha! You almost had me there! 112 11%
Productive people inspire me, ... especially if you can inspire them to do your work for you. 42 4%
Even more coffee, ... at what level of caffeine does productive become destructive? 106 10%
It's no secret, I am completely unproductive, ... well that not true, you voted in the JoyPoll didn't you? 461 46%
I'm unproductively viewing the results. 83 8%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and Pogue having a Fit.
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