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Current JoyPoll results for 735 entries:

What other Twitter TV show would you like to see most?
I Dream of Twitter, ... you only watch it for the genie bikini! 19 2%
Twitter Trek, ... to boldly tweet? That's an oxymoron. 62 8%
The T-Team, ... I pity the director who doesn't cast Mr. T in this! 60 8%
The Tweety Bunch, ... I knew it was much more than a hunch. 13 1%
Battlestar Twitactica, ... is it about a rag-tag fugitive Fail Whale? 68 9%
A game show, like Let's Make a Tweet, ... did you want to buy a vowel, and make it a 141 characters? 26 3%
Please, turn it off!, ... you know, not everybody has such an exciting real life as you. 432 58%
I'm following the results. 55 7%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and RT: may not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding.
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