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Current JoyPoll results for 604 entries:

What would you call the new iMac?
An abomination, ... since it's white, would that make it an abominable abomination? 87 14%
The Sorcerer's Appendage, ... that sounds like a really bad porn movie. 151 25%
The Pleasure Dome, ... you can burn your own movies with it. 92 15%
Friend, colleague, lover, ... you really do have sex in "The City" on your mind lately, don't you! 85 14%
The new San Francisco Treat, ... alright all Roni, I get your drift! 61 10%
Lust-o-Lamp, ... is that like an Eroto-Cam? 186 30%
The Power P C-Cup, ... bet you can't wait to get your hands on one. 175 28%
I don't call the new iMac, it calls me. 204 33%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and being able to move it with one finger.
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