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Previous Joy of Tech

The JoyPoll was...
What would you jump through hoops for?
  • A Playstation 2.
  • An Arthur C. Clarke endorsed Real Millennium basketball net.
  • A hula-hoop.
  • Hot Wheels Loop the Loop track.
  • I'd only jump if the hoop was on fire.
View the results

Be sure to enter our Second Annual Look-a-Like Contest!

Congratulations to everyone who tuned into the webcam and won Christmas Songs CD's... courtesy of Nettwerk Records!

Thanks again Nettwerk Records!

Hey, if you're a Mac addict, be sure to pick up the December issue of MacAddict magazine. There's some great bonus files from Nitrozac and Snaggy on the CD!

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Fan Club!
stuff to buy!


For action, adventure, and Techno-Talking Babes, explore...
After Y2K

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Celebrate the Return of After Y2K by getting the signed movie poster! Now available in super-sized movie poster size printed on super durable Tyvec!

Welcome to the Joy of Tech... by Nitrozac and Snaggy. It's a little bit simpler in style than our other comic After Y2K, and a little more topical. We hope you enJoy!

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Don't worry, your information is only used for this list, and never released to any third party.

Tubes Rock t-shirts!
Available in two styles... original white (just like Tubes wears) or in glow-in-the-dark on a black t-shirt!

Big Panda... cool!

To First Post is divine.
The First Post t-shirts look great!
Order yours now!
For more Nitrozac and Snaggy, be sure to check out
After Y2K

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